Early ... Intro Picture

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Thomas S. Kuhn

1922 - 1996


T.S. Kuhn
Photo © Le Scienze 1996
                             Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born in 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio, US. He received a Ph. D. in physics from Harvard University in 1949 and remained there as an assistant professor of general education and history of science. In 1956, Kuhn accepted a post at the University of California, Berkeley, where in 1961 he became a full professor of history of science. In 1964, he was named M. Taylor Pyne Professor of Philosophy and History of Science at Princeton University. In 1979 he returned to Boston, this time to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as professor of philosophy and history of science. In 1983 he was named Laurence S. Rockefeller Professor of Philosophy at MIT. T.S. Kuhn died in 1996.

This information originated from - and then there was more to be found about T.S. Kuhn - at Emory College , USA. Occasionally this link does not seem to function, try repeatedly.

Another, far-ranging and deeper source is the one by M. Austin at Shepherd College , Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA.
T.S. Kuhn
Photo and © from here

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Click to enlarge - 430KB. Kuhn+Feyerabend1986-mini.jpg

Photography © Le Scienze, Italy.

More on Paul Feyerabend here,and if you are interested, here is Paul Hoyningen-Huene's present (6/2003) faculty page.

Il paradigma è rimasto orfano

Gianbruno Guerrerio

Da LE SCIENZE n. 336, agosto 1996, pagina 13

Picture from "Die Zeit", April 28, 1995.

Weltbilder der Wissenschaften

Der Philosoph und Historiker Thomas S. Kuhn über
sein Verhältnis zu Foucault, Feyerabend, —
den Realismus und die Wahrheit. Ein Interview.

"Die Zeit", April 28, 1995.

Das Interview mit Thomas S. Kuhn führte für
Le Monde Christian Delacampagne.
Übersetzung : Verena Vannahme

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Copyright © Jan. 26, 2003 by U. Anders, Ph.D.
e-mail Udo Anders : udo39@t-online.de

Last updated : June 25, 2003 - 21:06 CET