When I came to publish my results, in 1950, I found Lennard-Jones
enthusiastic about the final results but dubious about publishing
the derivation of
the LCAO equations. He argued that Coulson must already have published
them and Dr. S.F. Boys made the same comment. I could not proceed [7] until
I had done a full literature search and could assure them both that Coulson
had not done so. Coulson had objected to a previous paper in the series so both
were anxious not to cause him any offence. We first became aware of the
parallel work of Roothaan when a preprint of his thesis, which became his paper
published in Reviews of Modern Physics, arrived in the department. I
remember receiving it the same day as I corrected the proofs of my paper.
In fact, it
appeared in print [8] a year later than mine.
{Note by this website: Therefore it should at least be the Hall-Roothaan-Method, as it was at some time also generally being called in the literature. Unfortunately, the work Hall had done - as he states it above - became a bit forgotten.}