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Born February 2, 1920 in Paris, France.

President of the European Academy of Arts Sciences and Humanities, Paris, France.

Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities of Louvain, Uppsala and Barcelona; Honorary President of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science; Officer de la Légion D'Honneur; Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite; Officier des Palmes Académiques. President of the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities.

Author of:

  • The fundamentals of theoretical chemistry (Gauthier Villars 1956).
  • Quantum theory of chemical reactivity (Gauthier Villars 1967).
  • Chemical carcinogenesis and molecular biology (Wiley 1966) with P. Daudel.
  • Quantum chemistry (Wiley 1983) with G. Leroy, D. Peeters and M. Sana.
  • Vision moléculaire du Monde (Hachette 1981).
  • L'Empire des Molécules (Hachette 1991).
  • Le SIDA (AIDS) (Flammarion 1994) with L. Montagnier.
Important Contributions:
    Introduction of the concept of free valence number (with A. Pullman); Establishment of a decreasing relation between the free valence of a carbon atom of a conjugated hydrocarbon and the potential barrier of a substitution reaction occurring on this atom; Introduction of the concept of differential density showing the effect of bonding in molecules; Introduction of the concept of loge - region of an atom or a molecule in which there is a high probability of finding a given number of electrons with a certain distribution of their spins; Discovery of the dependance of the mean life of a radioelement of the electronic density near the radioactive nucleus.
Last modified: Wednesday, 21-Mar-2001 13:57:15 CET